英國置業投資 1站式專業服務
Enquiries 查詢: +44(0) 121 647 1728
Email 電郵: info@easehome.uk
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+44(0) 773 906 0528
伯明翰以除倫敦外的最大城市經濟體而聞名。許多重建項目使其成為倫敦以外英國企業的頂級熱點。英國滙豐(HSBC)已將總部從倫敦遷至伯明翰的新商業金融區,同樣,德意志銀行(Deutsche Bank)、普華永道(PWC)和英國稅務海關總署(HM Revenue and Customs)也在伯明翰設立了新據點。就業機會吸引了大量人口湧入,過去10年伯明翰的人口增加了30萬,住房需求也隨之增加,為物業投資者帶來了無限機會。
Birmingham, the UK's second largest city
boasts a thriving economy and is a top business hotspot outside of London. With major redevelopment projects and the relocation of prestigious companies like HSBC, Deutsche Bank, PwC, and HM Revenue and Customs, the city has experienced significant population growth and increased housing demand, presenting lucrative opportunities for property investors.
Office Location
United Kingdom 英國
1.Birmingham Office
98 Bristol Road, Edgbaston , Birmingham B5 7XH
Tel: +44 (0)121 647 1728
Whatsapp : +44 (0)773 906 0528
2.Solihull Office
204B Stratford Road, Shirley, Solihull B90 3AQ
Tel: +44 (0)121 638 0608
Whatsapp: +44 (0)773 906 0528
Hong Kong 香港
(By Appointments only)
1.Kowloon Office
12th Floor, One Peking, 1 Peking Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong.
Tel: +852 2155 1101
WhatsApp: +852 9506 8281
2.Sha Tin Office
Suite T, 6/F Haribest Industrial Building, 45-47 Au Pui Wan Street, Fo Tan, Sha Tin, Hong Kong.
Tel: +852 2155 1101
WhatsApp: +852 9506 8281
Free Consultation
If interested in specific properties.
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